The Brise Audio official store offers worldwide shipping (with some exceptions). All products are basically made-to-order.

ASUHA Ref.2 earphone re-cable

The ASUHA Ref.2 earphone re-cable uses BriseAudio's original 8-core cable, which is also used in the ASUHA-LE and ASUHA Rh2+.にも採用されているBriseAudioオリジナル8芯ケーブルを採用。 音質に最大限配慮しつつも実使用上の取り回しにも配慮したASUHAシリーズのトップエンドとなります。

The ASUHA wire has a very high potential in sound production, with a wide range while maintaining the high resolution and low distortion that characterize BriseAudio at a high level.

ASUHA Ref.2では、YATONO開発で得られたノウハウを注ぎ込み、従来製品トップエンドに採用しております特殊な電磁者吸収シールド材に加え、 カーボンナノチューブ素材、他にも様々な素材を組み合わせることによって 従来のRef.シリーズから1歩進んだ音質を実現しました。 それにより、ASUHA線材のポテンシャルを最大限伸ばすことが可能となりました。

BriseAudio's custom-made L-shaped OFC plugs (5-pole 4.4mm, 3-pole 3.5mm, 4-pole 3.5mm, 4-pole 2.5mm) designed by Nihon Dics are used for the amplifier connection side. connectors are adopted. Furthermore, the terminals for A2DC, PentacconEar, and Sony's IER-Z1R are used exclusively. In addition, the official store also offers special orders to match various types of earphones.

音の特徴は明瞭でかつワイドレンジ、スピード感のある現代ソースにも対応した、高い再現性を誇ります。 しっかりした芯の強さとトルク感を持ち、イメージを捉えやすい、立体的な音像表現が特徴です。 広いレンジ感保ちつつ、輪郭をしっかりと描く明快な音の再現性は、弊社の一つの指標として、優れた特徴を示す製品に仕上がっております。

Adopted cable slider

It is carved out of very high quality and rare solid rosewood, and all the processes are made and manufactured in Japan. The finished product is of extremely high quality, both in terms of sound quality and the quality of the product as a whole.


Shape-retaining wire for ear-hooks

材質に拘り、音質を評価し材料を選定し特殊処理を施したチタンワイヤーを採用いたしました。 これにより、耳周りの取り回しと音質の両面を支えることが可能になりました。

The tip is bent to prevent ejection & for safety measures.

Uniquely designed original high sound quality connector (MMCX, 2PIN)








Special MMCX connector compatible with Sennheiser earphones (IE300, IE900)

OFC (oxygen-free copper) high sound quality original L-shaped plugs (5-pole 4.4mm, 4-pole 2.5mm, 4-pole 3.5mm, 3-pole 3.5mm) of all 4 types are used

ASUHA Ref.2で採用のL字プラグは、日本ディックス社製L字4.4mmOFC(無酸素銅)Pentaconnをベースにした特注仕様のプラグです。従来のストレートプラグと比べ、格段に取り回しが改善し非常に扱いやすくなっています。OFC-L字プラグが演出する、他と一線を画す情報量と鮮度感、純度の高い音をコンパクトに取り回しよくお使い頂けるようになりました。 更に、YATONO開発でアップデートされたBriseAudio独自の高音質施工を施しました。

OFC 4.4mm

OFC 2.5mm

OFC 3pole 3.5mm

OFC 4pole 3.5mm


ASUHA Ref.2- 5-pole Φ4.4mm plug - MMCX [Model No.: ASUER2L544MX] JAN: 4589796706489
ASUHA Ref.2- 4極Φ2.5mmプラグ-MMCX 【型番:ASUER2L425MX】JAN:4589796706496
ASUHA Ref.2- 3極Φ3.5mmプラグ-MMCX 【型番:ASUER2L335MX】JAN:4589796706502
ASUHA Ref.2- 4-pole Φ3.5mm plug - MMCX [Model Number: ASUER2L435MX] JAN: 4589796706519

ASUHA Ref.2- 5極Φ4.4mmプラグ-2PIN 【型番:ASUER2L5442P】JAN:4589796706526
ASUHA Ref.2- 4-pole Φ2.5mm plug - 2PIN [Model No.: ASUER2L4252P] JAN: 4589796706533
ASUHA Ref.2- 3極Φ3.5mmプラグ-2PIN 【型番:ASUER2L3352P】JAN:4589796706540
ASUHA Ref.2- 4-pole Φ3.5mm plug - 2PIN [Model No.: ASUER2L4352P] JAN: 4589796706557

ASUHA Ref.2- 5極Φ4.4mmプラグ-A2DC 【型番:ASUER2L544AD】JAN:4589796706564
ASUHA Ref.2- 4-pole Φ2.5mm plug - A2DC [Model No.: ASUER2L425AD] JAN: 4589796706571
ASUHA Ref.2- 3-pole Φ3.5mm plug - A2DC [Model No.: ASUER2L335AD] JAN: 4589796706588
ASUHA Ref.2- 4-pole Φ3.5mm plug - A2DC [Model No.: ASUER2L435AD] JAN: 4589796706595

ASUHA Ref.2- 5-pole Φ4.4mm plug - IER [Model No.: ASUER2L544IER] JAN: 4589796706601
ASUHA Ref.2- 4-pole Φ2.5mm plug - IER [Model No.: ASUER2L425IER] JAN: 4589796706618
ASUHA Ref.2- 3-pole Φ3.5mm plug - IER [Model No.: ASUER2L335IER] JAN: 4589796706625
ASUHA Ref.2- 4-pole Φ3.5mm plug - IER [Model No.: ASUER2L435IER] JAN: 4589796706632

[ Sennheiser Sennheiser earphones (IE300 IE900) compatible with MMCX ]
ASUHA Ref.2- 5-pole Φ4.4mm plug - MMCX for Sennheiser IE300, IE900 [Model Number: ASUER2L544ZIEM] JAN: 4589796708148
ASUHA Ref.2- 4-pole Φ2.5mm plug - MMCX for Sennheiser IE300, IE900 [Model Number: ASUER2L425ZIEM] JAN: 4589796708155
ASUHA Ref.2- 3-pole Φ3.5mm plug - MMCX for Sennheiser IE300, IE900 [Model Number: ASUER2L335ZIEM] JAN: 4589796708162
ASUHA Ref.2- 4-pole Φ3.5mm plug - MMCX for Sennheiser IE300, IE900 [Model Number: ASUER2L435ZIEM] JAN: 4589796708179

ASUHA Ref.2- 5極Φ4.4mmプラグ-PentacconEar【型番:ASUER2L544PE】JAN:4589796706649
ASUHA Ref.2- 4極Φ2.5mmプラグ-PentacconEar【型番:ASUER2L425PE】JAN:4589796706656
ASUHA Ref.2- 3極Φ3.5mmプラグ-PentacconEar【型番:ASUER2L335PE】JAN:4589796706663
ASUHA Ref.2- 4-pole Φ3.5mm plug - PentacconEar [Model No.: ASUER2L435PE] JAN: 4589796706670

※The aging period takes about 150 hours to settle down.

 製品名ASUHA Ref.2
ConductorHigh-functionality high-purity copper conductor
Conductor structureW-Quad Spiral Structure
special processingElectromagnetic wave absorption shield & carbon nanotube and other multi-layer construction available
Isolationspecial high-functionality resin
TerminalAdoption of several high sound quality original MMCX & 2-pin connectors, etc.
Warranty period1 year

 *Please note that some specifications may be changed without prior notice for the purpose of product improvement. We appreciate your understanding.

The compatible grades of ASUHA Ref.2 earphone re-cables are

ASUHA × Ref.

The cable grade of BriseAudio is
 線材のグレード × チューニング加工のグレード
is determined.



Stores with ASUHA Ref.2 listening devices

We are continually expanding the number of stores where you can audition our product. If there are no stores nearby where you can listen to our product, it is also possible to lend it directly (within Japan).
Despite the equipment being available, if the demo cables are not out in the store, please ask the store staff.

◆Fujiya Avic 
Postal Code: 164-0001, Nakano 5-52-15, Nakano-ku, Tokyo, 3F Nakano Broadway, Tel: 0120-189-248
〇2PIN,MMCX各種(5極4.4mmφ, 4極2.5mmφ) IER-Z1R専用端子(4.4mm)の展示試聴機ございます。

◆e-Earphone Akihabara Store
〒101-0021 東京都千代田区外神田4-7-1 新東ビル  TEL(ナビダイヤル):0570-06-1118(受付時間 11:00 ~ 20:00)
〇4.4mm (MMCX & 2PIN)


Please feel free to contact us, including inquiries about our products.


This is a service that allows you to listen to the music in your own home. This service is available only for residents in Japan.


Go to the ASUHA Ref.2 purchase page.

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