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BSHP for M1 headphone re-cable for SONY MDR-M1 headphones


  • This is a re-cable product independently tuned by the Brise Audio team to bring out the full potential of the MDR-M1’s unique characteristics. ※The MDR-M1 is a product of SONY. You can find the MDR-M1 product page [here].

  • Based on the 4-core AKAGANE35 cable, this model incorporates proprietary high-quality sound processing specifically designed to complement the MDR-M1.

  • Materials such as CNT※1, special electromagnetic wave-absorbing shielding material※2, BS sheet※3, and other new materials are carefully selected and arranged using optimal processing methods and placement tailored to maximize audio quality.

  • A dedicated screw-type plug is used on the headphone side, allowing it to be securely attached to the MDR-M1.

  • On the player side, you can choose from Brise Audio’s original 4.4mm, 2.5mm, 3-pole 3.5mm, or 4-pole 3.5mm plugs (which also support GND separation). Compatible with balanced, unbalanced, and ground-separated connections.

※1: To make full use of the superior properties of CNT (Carbon Nanotube), we developed the optimal material through repeated joint testing and comparative listening with a national research institution and our material partners. CNT’s notable characteristics include: 20 times the strength of steel, 10 times the thermal conductivity of copper, and half the density of aluminum. It also has excellent shielding capabilities and many other advantageous physical properties. (Note: CNT’s characteristics vary depending on whether it is single-walled, multi-walled, etc.)

※2: A 7-layer material that excels in absorbing electromagnetic waves and converting them into heat, particularly effective in the high-frequency range. This is the core material used in all our high-grade cables, including our flagship cable MURAKUMO.

※3: The BS sheet enhances the positive sound qualities of other materials while having an extremely minimal negative impact on sound quality.

BSHP for M1 headphone re-cable for SONY MDR-M1 headphonesSee the details of

BSHP for M1 headphone re-cable for SONY MDR-M1 headphonesThe corresponding grade

専用ケーブル × 専用チューニング

Briseaudio cable grade
Grade of wire x tuning processing
It will be decided by.

Click here for details on grade.

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