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BSEP for IE600 earphone re-cable tuned exclusively for Sennheiser IE600 earphones


We have used a new type of highly flexible wire material among our re-cables to match the IE600's characteristic extended high frequency range and the power of the low frequency range with a sense of substance, and have made a special re-cable for the IE600.
We have tuned the original sound quality to take advantage of the features and advantages of IE600.
This is a re-cable designed exclusively for the IE600.


BSEP for IE600 earphone re-cable tuned exclusively for Sennheiser IE600 earphonesSee the details of

BSEP for IE600 earphone re-cable tuned exclusively for Sennheiser IE600 earphonesThe corresponding grade

Dedicated cable × Dedicated tuning

Briseaudio cable grade
Grade of wire x tuning processing
It will be decided by.

Click here for details on grade.

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