オーディオ向けUSBケーブル ACCURATE-USB (USB 2.0対応)を発売します。 ・ACCURATE-USB は近年増えてきたTYPE-Cコネクタに対応したオーディオ用USBケーブルとして、音質を追求し開発・コネクタはType-C、Standard-A, Standard-Bの中から選択可能・ACCURATE-USBではオリジナル線材を開発。 導体には特別な高純度単結晶銅を採用し、ケーブル外周の銅編組シールド、アルミ箔/PET複合フィルムシールドの2重シールドに加え、 データ通信用の芯線には追加で銅編組シールドを施し、外来ノイズだけでなく電源線とデータ通信線の相互干渉にも対策・BriseAudio独自の高音質化技術(独自開発の特殊CNT素材※1、BSシート※2など含む複数素材)を用いて音質チューニング・Type-C to Cケーブルは、USB-PD対応、機器間で通信を行い上流のホスト側(Source)と下流のデバイス側(Sink)を自動的に認識可能 製品詳細はこちらをご覧ください。
VGP2023 受賞製品 ◆ヘッドホンケーブル/イヤホンケーブル部門 金賞 YATONO-HP Ultimate ◆ヘッドホンアンプ(ポータブルタイプ・7.5万円以上)部門賞 TSURANAGI ◆ヘッドホンケーブル/イヤホンケーブル部門賞 YATONO 8wire-Ultimate STR7 As-Is flex001 As-Is ◆そのほかヘッドホン/イヤホンアクセサリー部門賞 STR7-CONV As-Is
Today, it goes on sale on November 17, 2022.We are pleased to announce our new YATONO-BNC 75Ω cable.YATONO-BNC 75Ω cable・YATONO-BNC75 is a high precision clock and BNC digital cable for home audio applications.・Suitable for connection of digital devices supporting Word Clock and a master clock that claims high accuracy and low phase noise・Suitable as a BNC digital cable connecting a digital transport and a DAC as a digital cable・YATONO-BNC75 uses ultra-low-loss high-precision 75Ω wire material (high-purity silver single wire is used for conductor).・BriseAudio's original high sound quality technology is placed near the terminals. (Multiple materials including proprietary special CNT material*1,...
Today, the product goes on sale on November 10, 2022.We are pleased to announce our new YATONO-BNC 50Ω cable. YATONO-BNC 50Ω cable ・Made exclusively for high-precision clock generators for home audio applications.・The inner conductor is insulated with a high foam material with excellent high-frequency insulation characteristics to achieve ultra-low loss in the high-frequency band. High purity single copper wire is used for the conductor.・Tuned with BriseAudio's proprietary high sound quality technology (multiple materials including proprietary special CNT material*1, special electromagnetic wave absorption shield material*2, BS sheet*3, etc.)・The 50Ω BNC connector is a newly developed dedicated connector designed for sound quality.・The...
All customers who submit a product review in the official store will receive a 10% off coupon to be used on their next purchase! Customers who have already reviewed our products are also eligible. *Only customers who have made a purchase at the official store can submit a review. *We plan to continue for at least six months, so customers who have not yet received their current delivery will have time to fully review it after delivery. Review Campaign: How to receive the 10% off coupon Please send us an email with the following information. To: [ Title ]...
We participated in the Headphone Festival, Autumn 2022, held at Nakano Sunplaza on September 18, 2022. Pre-registration is required to attend. Exhibits include.1. testing Brise Audio cables in a high-end portable audio environment.2. test Brise Audio cables in a high-end headphone playback environment.3. Comparative listening of all Brise Audio products including new products at once.4. Brise Audio users will receive a Brise Audio Cable Smoother as a free gift. Please present your Brise Audio product at the booth and we will give it to you.Comparison listening with your own products is also possible. Please feel free to bring your...
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