The Brise Audio official store offers worldwide shipping (with some exceptions).

Earphone Re-Cable NAOBI-LE

NAOBI-LE earphone re-cable adopts the original wire material "NAOBI", which was newly developed to pursue ease of use in various applications such as commuting to work and school, and to ensure the maximum sound quality. The new wire material "NAOBI" will be released for the first time in the earphone cable NAOBI-LE.

イヤフォン側コネクタには弊社オリジナル開発のパーツ含め、弊社基準をパスしたもののみを使用。 プラグにはYATONO-LEで初採用の、弊社オリジナル高品質L字プラグ(4.4mm、2.5mm、3.5mm)を採用しました。 弊社ケーブルの特徴である様々な素材を組み合わせた高音質施工も施し音質調整がされています。 ブリスオーディオらしい音は残しつつ十分な密度感があり、繊細で細かな音の再現性は線材ラインナップ中最高レベルのポテンシャルを秘めます。

NAOBI線材はSTR7と同じSpiral77構造を採用。ただし、最小構成単位の素線はさらに細い線を使用しています。 組み合わされる4.4㎜、2.5㎜、3.5㎜プラグはLEグレード専用のオリジナルL型端子で目指す音質を考慮し素材から見直し開発しています。 素材メーカー&国立の研究機関と共同開発のオーディオ用にチューニングを施したCNT(カーボンナノチューブ)を採用。 2ピン、MMCX、A2DC端子なども音質を考慮しオリジナル端子などを採用。


Typical properties of CNTs include
20 times stronger than steel, 10 times more thermally conductive than copper, and half the density of aluminum.
Excellent shielding ability. Various other useful physical properties.   
(The properties of CNT [Carbon Nanotubes] can change depending on the single-phase or multi-layer structure.)

Adopted cable slider

All processes are performed and manufactured in Japan. It also has an effect as a vibration stabilizer. Various materials are considered and adopted.

BriseAudio original L-shaped plug

BriseAuido's original L-shaped plug was newly developed and adopted to improve LE grade sound quality and convenience. The result is a high-quality plug with not only excellent sound quality, but also a very high quality feel and comfort of use.


3pole 3.5mm


4pole 3.5mm

Original high sound quality connectors (MMCX, CIEM2PIN, A2DC) of our own design, etc.

BriseAudio's proprietary high-quality MMCX, CIEM2PIN, and A2DC connectors are used in the NAOBI-LE to match the sound quality characteristics of the NAOBI wire material, and a special connector for SONY's IER-Z1R is also used. BriseAudio's know-how was put into the design and selection of the connectors.





Special MMCX connector compatible with Sennheiser earphones (IE300, IE900)


NAOBI-LE- 5極Φ4.4mmプラグ-MMCX 【型番:NOBLELB544MX】4589796707066
NAOBI-LE- 4極Φ2.5mmプラグ-MMCX 【型番:NOBLELB425MX】4589796707073
NAOBI-LE- 3極Φ3.5mmプラグ-MMCX 【型番:NOBLELB335MX】4589796707080
NAOBI-LE- 4-pole Φ3.5mm plug - MMCX [Model Number: NOBLELB435MX] 4589796707097

NAOBI-LE- 5極Φ4.4mmプラグ-2PIN 【型番:NOBLELB5442P】4589796707103
NAOBI-LE- 4極Φ2.5mmプラグ-2PIN 【型番:NOBLELB4252P】4589796707110
NAOBI-LE- 3-pole Φ3.5mm plug - 2PIN [Model Number: NOBLELB3352P] 4589796707127
NAOBI-LE- 4-pole Φ3.5mm plug - 2PIN [Model Number: NOBLELB4352P] 4589796707134

NAOBI-LE- 5-pole Φ4.4mm plug - A2DC [Model number: NOBLELB544AD] 4589796707141
NAOBI-LE- 4-pole Φ2.5mm plug - A2DC [Model number: NOBLELB425AD] 4589796707158
NAOBI-LE- 3-pole Φ3.5mm plug - A2DC [Model number: NOBLELB335AD] 4589796707165
NAOBI-LE- 4-pole Φ3.5mm plug - A2DC [Model number: NOBLELB435AD] 4589796707172

NAOBI-LE- 5-pole Φ4.4mm plug - IER [Model number: NOBLELB544IER] 4589796707189
NAOBI-LE- 4-pole Φ2.5mm plug - IER [Model number: NOBLELB425IER] 4589796707196
NAOBI-LE- 3-pole Φ3.5mm plug - IER [Model number: NOBLELB335IER] 4589796707202
NAOBI-LE- 4-pole Φ3.5mm plug - IER [Model number: NOBLELB435IER] 4589796707219

[ Sennheiser Sennheiser earphones (IE300 IE900) compatible with MMCX ]
NAOBI-LE- 5-pole Φ4.4mm plug - MMCX for Sennheiser IE300, IE900 [Model Number: NOBLELB544ZIEM] JAN:4589796708292
NAOBI-LE- 4-pole Φ2.5mm plug - MMCX for Sennheiser IE300, IE900 [Model Number: NOBLELB425ZIEM] JAN:4589796708308
NAOBI-LE- 3-pole Φ3.5mm plug - MMCX for Sennheiser IE300, IE900 [Model Number: NOBLELB335ZIEM] JAN:4589796708315
NAOBI-LE- 4-pole Φ3.5mm plug - MMCX for Sennheiser IE300, IE900 [Model Number: NOBLELB435ZIEM] JAN:4589796708322

*Click here for custom 2PIN pin assignments.

※4極Φ3.5mmプラグのピンアサインはTRRS(先から)  T=L+  R=R+  R=L-  S=R-  SONY ZX2、NW-WM1Z/1A、OPPO社製品など 多くのメーカーが多くのメーカーが採用しているピンアサインです。 (特殊なアサインも対応可能です。) ※エージング期間は150時間ほどで落ち着いてきます。

ConductorHigh-functionality high-purity copper conductor
Conductor structureSpiral77 for NAOBI
special processing-
Isolationspecial high-functionality resin
TerminalIt depends on each specification.
Warranty period1 year

 *Please note that some specifications may be changed without prior notice for the purpose of product improvement. We appreciate your understanding.

The compatible grades of the NAOBI-LE earphone re-cable are


The cable grade of BriseAudio is
 線材のグレード × チューニング加工のグレード
is determined.



Stores with NAOBI-LE Listening Units

We are continually expanding the number of stores where you can audition our product. If there are no stores nearby where you can listen to our product, it is also possible to lend it directly (within Japan).
Despite the equipment being available, if the demo cables are not out in the store, please ask the store staff.

◆e-Earphone Akihabara Store 
〒101-0021 東京都千代田区外神田4-7-1 新東ビル  TEL(ナビダイヤル):0570-06-1118(受付時間 11:00 ~ 20:00)
(2-pin and MMCX available in 4.4mm, 2.5mm, and 3.5mm respectively; 4.4mm available for IER-Z1R)


Please feel free to contact us, including inquiries about our products.


This is a service that allows you to listen to the music in your own home. This service is available only for residents in Japan.


Go to the NAOBI-LE purchase page.

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