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Headphone Re-Cable BriseHP for MDR-M1ST

BriseHP for MDR-M1STはSONY社製ヘッドフォンMDR-M1ST専用ケーブルとなります。 スタジオでの使用を考慮し純正ケーブル同様にネジ止め可能な専用端子を採用いたしました。

 BriseHP for MDR-M1STでは純正で用意されていない4極2.5mm端子も含め、4.4mm 3.5mm(4極:3極) 6.3mm 4極XLRなど各種ご用意しました。 ※その他の接続方法などをご希望の場合はお問い合わせください。

We are developing this product with the aim of improving the quality from the genuine product.


BriseHP for MDR-M1ST-5 pole 4.4mm 1.3m Model number: BRHP13M1ST544 JAN:4589796725329
BriseHP for MDR-M1ST-4 pole 2.5mm 1.3m Model number: BRHP13M1ST425 JAN:4589796725336
BriseHP for MDR-M1ST-3 pole 3.5mm 1.3m Model number: BRHP13M1ST335 JAN:4589796725343
BriseHP for MDR-M1ST-4-pole 3.5mm 1.3m Model number: BRHP13M1ST435 JAN:4589796725350
BriseHP for MDR-M1ST-6.3mm 1.3m Model number: BRHP13M1ST63 JAN:4589796725367
BriseHP for MDR-M1ST-4 pole XLR 1.3m Model Number: BRHP13M1ST4XLR JAN:4589796725374

BriseHP for MDR-M1ST-5 pole 4.4mm 2.5m Model Number: BRHP25M1ST544 JAN:4589796725381
BriseHP for MDR-M1ST-4 pole 2.5mm 2.5m Model Number: BRHP25M1ST425 JAN:4589796725398
BriseHP for MDR-M1ST-3 pole 3.5mm 2.5m Model number: BRHP25M1ST335 JAN:4589796725404
BriseHP for MDR-M1ST-4 pole 3.5mm 2.5m Model Number: BRHP25M1ST435 JAN:4589796725411
BriseHP for MDR-M1ST-6.3mm 2.5m Model number: BRHP25M1ST63 JAN:4589796725428
BriseHP for MDR-M1ST-4 pole XLR 2.5m Model Number: BRHP25M1ST4XLR JAN:4589796725435


 製品名BriseHP for MDR-M1ST
ConductorHigh-functionality high-purity copper conductor
Conductor structureQuad Spiral structure
special processing-
Isolationspecial high-functionality resin
TerminalIt depends on each specification.
Warranty period6 months


The grades supported by BriseHP for MDR-M1S are

Dedicated cable × As-Is

The cable grade of BriseAudio is
 線材のグレード × チューニング加工のグレード
is determined.



BriseHP for MDR-M1ST Listening Device Deployed Stores

We are continually expanding the number of stores where you can audition our product. If there are no stores nearby where you can listen to our product, it is also possible to lend it directly (within Japan).
Despite the equipment being available, if the demo cables are not out in the store, please ask the store staff.

◆Fujiya Avic 
〒164-0001 東京都中野区中野5-52-15 中野ブロードウェイ 3F TEL:0120-189-248
Cable for 4.4mm balanced

◆e-Earphone Akihabara Store 
Postal Code: 101-0021, Sotokanda 4-7-1, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Shintou Building, Tel (Navigation Dial): 0570-06-1118 (Reception Hours: 11:00 to 20:00)
Cable for 4.4mm balanced


Please feel free to contact us, including inquiries about our products.


This is a service that allows you to listen to the music in your own home. This service is available only for residents in Japan.


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